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Tips on Releasing Your Own Book

“I had a chance to read through this and it really is an excellent resource. There is a lot in here and much of it even goes beyond printing a book and applies to releasing any product, or just marketing yourself in general. If you are publishing material, this should be required reading. Thank you for making this available (for free!) to the community.”

– David Jonathan

A while back I wrote a booklet about self-publishing based on my experiences with two books that have been successful in finding an audience, albeit in a VERY niche market of playing cards... under the subset category of sleight of hand... under the further subset category of gambling demonstration.... oh and much of the material has been described as "advanced". It's fair to describe my audience as "small" but worldwide interest still exceeded my early expectations.

So what... I had a very small audience. But surely there are others in similarly small fields looking to release books and perhaps THEY will find something here!

Still reading ?

Waaaaaaay back I posted about this project on a message board online and had a few enquiries following that, which I answered at the time but then promptly never found time to follow up on the release to anyone interested! The reason I never made the PDF publicly available was that although the project was 90% complete (fully written but needed proofing and editing), I never finished the last 10% having just gotten busy! So that last 10% just never happened, and the PDF has been gathering dust... until now!

A year has passed and recently I decided that at the risk of numerous typos and bad editing etc. it needed to get out there and hopefully be of use to someone. So, I gave it a quick proof-read and can make it available to anyone interested, so rather than have it die quietly in a dusty digital folder, it might help someone release a great new, yet-to-be-discovered book.

If you've written a book (targeting a small/niche audience), and you're just beginning to plan what to do next, then this could be for you!

Here is a list of the contents:

PUBLISHING YOUR BOOK! A How To Guide For the First-time Self-publisher
















Track me down with an email, and I'll be happy to send you a PDF of the booklet.

I'm not expecting a million responses but please keep an eye open here for follow-up messages in the unlikely event that demand exceeds my expectations and I am unable to keep on top of it and get straight back to you!

“WOW, fantastic stuff. Thank you Greg for sharing this, top man.” - Sean Goodman

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