Details of Deception - by Greg Chapman. NEW BOOK: almost ready to release!
“WOW, what a book ... Chapman has done it again! Details of Deception is a perfect title for this book as the author covers moves and routines in perfect detail. This book is as thorough as one could possibly get. The illustrations and instructions are fantastic. My favorite routine was The Accomplice but the chapters on second deal, peeks and the shiner are unequalled. These chapters are worth the price of the book alone!”– Sal Piacente
The first printed copies of Details of Deception arrived today for proofing! Yes, I've given the digital copy a thorough once (x 1000) over but I tend to see things differently when holding a printed copy in my hands, so for me at least, there is no better way to give things some final scrutiny, than with the printed hard copy. Once the final proofing is done this week it should be available shortly after. More details to follow. The printed layout looks great. I think you're going to like this.
Section on Tools
Two Card Switch
Rubaway Switch
Five Card Switch
OHSD Switch
The Accomplice
PUnDoM- variation
Any Pair
Card At Number
Stack Work
On a Table Surface
Viewing Angle
Estimating in a Spread
Using Ribbon-spread Estimation in Performance
An Uneven Spread
Estimation Demonstrations
Different Scenarios
Confirming the Cut Amount
Marks, Peeks and Stacks
Key Cards
Faro Check
Visual Gauge and Count
Key Card Count
False Count
Changing the Target
Cutting the Same Amount as a Spectator
Bold Switch - mem-deck
Lapping Adjustment
Ribbon Spread Addition
Ribbon Spread Removal
Pick-up Addition
Estimation Exercises
Adjustment Exercises
Visual Markers
Back Design
Marked Box
Other Objects
Faro Notes
More on Fixed Floating Key Cards
High Card
Other Positions
Faro Fooler's 1 & 2
Anytime Sandwich
Ribbon-spread Turnover Flourish
Ribbon-spread Locator Subtlety
Ribbon-spread Turnover Count
Ribbon-spread Nail Nick
Ribbon-spread Pattern Count
Ribbon-spread to Transfer a Card
Bubble Peek
Gesture peek
Table Peek
Palm Peek
Heel Peek
Turnover Peek
Bend Peek 1
Bend Peek 2
Gambler's Peek
Side-jogged Peek
Reversed Peek
Friction Peek
One Ahead Peeking
Shiner - 7 methods
Deck Switch
Memorized Deck Routines
MD Poker
OCM v2
That Old Trick
The Stranger
Stranger's Roll - variant
A strange way to re-set your stack
Hands-off Stranger
Strange Deck Switch
Fine Print
Sneaky Three
Second Thoughts
Second No. 1
Second No. 2
A Detail
Other Thoughts on the Second Deal
Stacked To Win
Hold'em Demo
Encore - Three Cards

This image above shows inside the new book, although the cover shown below is just a temporary mock-up and will not be the final cover. Cover photography has been done now, and the first print test of the new cover image is on its way from the printers (it can be seen elsewhere on this site). The cover is going to be white and the test is to confirm that the white reads well with the predominantly white photograph.

Review copies have been sent to a bunch of people and the feedback so far has been hugely satisfying. When you spend some much time working on something it is easy to lose sight of how it will be received, but I always follow the simple guideline to write the kind of book that I'd enjoy reading.
Here are a couple more reviews:
"Details of Deception is a great read for the advanced card worker. Great section on the second deal. Stacked to Win and The Hold'em Demo will put your second deal chops to the test. Highly recommended."
- Paul Gertner
“Very simply, if you do card magic, get this book! If you don't, you will be fooled by someone that did. When I read the book I found myself saying, "This is a good idea," "This trick would have fooled me." "I will use this." My favorite routines were: Any Pair, A.C.A.A.N., MD Poker, That Old Trick, The Stranger, and Sneaky Three. Highly recommended.”
- Steve Ehlers
"If you enjoyed Greg's "The Devil's Staircase" - I loved it! - then you should get his new masterpiece "Details of Deception". What a modest title! Apart that you will learn some very original twists of sleights you do or will use for sure from now on, it is the wealth of practical applications within the pages that might overwhelm you. And if you are like me an aficionado of memorized deck magic this book is a must read. With Greg's "A.C.A.A.N.", "Sneaky Three" and "The Stranger" (all are devilishly clever) I fell in love straight away. "
- Jan Forster
" this book Chapman focuses on the fine details of what makes a sleight, and a performance of card magic, deceptive.... a careful reading of the book will be highly instructive for any intermediate-to-advanced card worker.... excellent memorized deck effects, poker demonstrations, an extensive section on estimation with information which to my knowledge has never seen print before, and a large chapter on the second deal which gives detailed instructions of how to do several kinds of push-off seconds, along with some killer tricks that utilize the sleight....there are a few effects for the mere mortals among us, including a very clever ACAAN routine. I highly recommend this book if you’re looking to improve your card magic, if you’re a memdeck guy or gal, or if you just want to see how deeply a guy like Chapman can think about card magic." - Jack Shalom
"This is a must-have book if you like gambling routines and very subtle principles. Greg describes among other things his incredibly natural second deal which is really different. He worked on a way to rise his left thumb during each deal - as you would normally do - and the result is quite interesting. You have a feeling of naturalness which is incomparable when you watch it. You will also find a lot of very clever ideas I am sure you will like if you are a serious card worker. I highly recommend this book."
- Jean Jacques Sanvert
More reviews and testimonials to follow, but for now it's almost done, and will soon be time to release it into the wild and let it fend for itself.