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Subscribers - idea share

In the coming month, I'm sending out some interesting stuff to subscribers of this site. I recently realised that this is the perfect place to share some ideas that for one reason or another are inappropriate to share elsewhere, for example, moves and routines that never quite made it into either of my books, but which I still really like. Some of these might not read especially well in print, yet have some real value. By sharing them I hope they'll spark ideas with you, and perhaps you'll find some interesting applications.

Recently I shared a clip (with subscribers) of a devious move that DID make it into my new book Details of Deception. It's a very clean looking card switch from the first chapter called the OHSD Switch. If you missed it, don;t worry it will be published shortly in my new book Details of Deception.

But there is plenty more on the way so don't miss anything, by subscribing now.

Here's a little of what's coming up:

1. A MATES PREDICTION routine from a shuffled deck with three SELECTIONS.

2. A two-phase OIL & WATER sequence.

3. An instant CONTROL to top.

If you are not a subscriber, go to the SUBSCRIBE PAGE now and leave your email address.

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